Before and after heart and lung rehabilitation programs are very important for people who have problems with their heart or lungs. They help with different reasons and try to make your health and life better. Here are some usual reasons and good things about them:

Getting Ready for Surgery: Helps people get their body and mind ready for heart or lung surgery, making sure they are in the best shape for the operation.

Reducing Risks: Focuses on making changes in how you live, like eating better, exercising, and managing stress, to lower the chances of having problems like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and being overweight.

Learning: Gives you information about your specific condition, how to take care of it, and how to make good choices for your heart and lungs.

Getting Stronger: Makes your heart and lungs stronger with exercises designed for them, so you can have more energy and stamina.

Feeling Better in Your Mind: Provides talk therapy and support to help you deal with the worry and stress that can come with getting ready for surgery or finding out about a health problem.

Getting Your Heart Stronger: Helps your heart get better after surgery or a heart problem like a heart attack, bypass surgery, angioplasty or valve replacement surgery.

Breathing Better: Focuses on helping with lung problems like COPD or after a lung transplant. It teaches you exercises and techniques to make your lungs work better.

Getting Stronger Muscles and Moving Better: Helps you build back the strength and flexibility you lost during being sick or having surgery. This makes your body work better overall.

Keeping a Good Weight: Helps you reach and stay at a healthy weight, which is really important for your heart and lungs.

Taking Medicine the Right Way: Teaches you about your medicines, why you take them, and how to take them correctly.

Making Life Changes for Safety: Keeps working on making changes in how you live to keep you safe and healthy.

Feeling Better in Your Mind and Heart: Gives you support and help with your feelings to deal with having a heart or lung problem.

Making Life Easier and Better: Helps you feel better overall, so you can do your everyday things with more ease and confidence.

Knowing How to Take Care of Yourself for a Long Time: Gives you the tools and knowledge you need to take care of yourself and your health for a long time.

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